New Credit / Shop And Slotmachine
We are proud to announce you our new credit system !
First of all some global info about the new feature/changes:
-Credit System Which saves your credits in your mpdata so they remain on reconnect/nextmap.(even after 2 weeks of being offline they do still remain )
-Renewed Shop ( there will spawn a RED circular hologram ), contains only a few features so far ( suggestions are always welcome )
-Renwed RTD ( Roll the dice is moved to the shop button, previously used for shop ..... ), Requires 5 credits a spin !
-Added Slotmachine, on the spawn there will be a WHITE circular hologram, contains a useable slotmachine( futher details below )
-random challange plugin
-previous used shop plugin
-----little explaination------
The shop will be adjusted and gets more features
The Slotmachine gets more special rewards
The Rtd will be rebalanced and more positive items will be added
Credit system will be adjusted over time to find a perfect balance in gaining and spending credits.
Random challanges plugin is removed due hud overflow and bugging in the slotmachine.
Previous used shop is removed because we have a new one now.
How to gain Credits ?
people get 1 credit each half a minute(30 seconds for those who dont know :P ) they are online.
people get 10 credits for killing a person ( doesnt matter if you are activator or jumper, any knife/gun kill will count )
by using the slotmachine, a spin requires 5 credit but you can win 15-25 or even 255 credits with it !
SlotMachine rewards ?
2 of the same in a row (first 2 or last 2) = 15credits
3 of the same = 25credits
but there are specials:
2times a pizza = 1 life
2times a superman = speed
2times a homer matrix = matrix mode
3 times a 3xp logo = 255credits max !
What is currently in the shop ?
a life 50 credits (remains 1 game)
3 guns ( ak74u,m4,barret50cal ) 70credits remain 1 round
laser or thermal command, not usable by default use of !thermal or !laser, if you buy them for 255 credits, a value will be written to your mpdata which allows you to use the !thermal or !laser( depends on which you bought ) useable forever ( as long as you do not change key or swap mpdata )
Updates can be found here: