Teamspeak Groups and Rights
today I deleted all groups to redefine the teamspeak permissions, because everything was buggy.
So we've to set you to Member/Admin/ServerAdmin again. Tokens were sent to the other admins on board
Actual Permissions:
- Member can kick/move/ban Community Member and Default People
- Member can kick/move other Member and Trials
- Member can't kick/ban/move admins
- Member can create Temporal/Semi Perm Channel
- Member can up/download from every channel except admins channel
- Admins can kick/move/ban Default,Member,Admins
- Admins can set and remove the 3xP, 3xP-Trial and Community Member Group
- Admins can't modify groups
- Admins can download from every channel
- Only ServerAdmins can set Admins
- Serveradmins can't set other Serveradmins
- Serveradmins can't modify groups