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Changing report: Discussion 17.02.2014

Hello mates,
I want to inform you all now about the changes which were decided and presented by ons and Mirko in the member meeting yesterday.
Terms which are marked with (*) may change in the next days because the leaders are not 100% sure about those decissions and may modify it.
From now on the following terms are valid for 3xP' Clan(members):
The 3xP' Application System 2k14 is canceled and cheased to be valid.
The leaders realized that it was a wrong decission. The replaced it with a quite simple system:
People who want to join 3xP' just contact an admin.
He does not need to apply in board or something else anymore. From then on he is allowed to wear a special 3xP' trial tag in his name but he will not get any permissions in board, TeamSpeak or on our gameservers. Furthermore, there will not be any boundaries for the applicant like age or something else. Everyone is allowed to try joining our clan.
Coincidently the admin who processed the applicant will start a poll in a special section in 3xP' Internal Area which will run for 30 days. Every member is now allowed to judge if the applicant fits into 3xP' or not.
After the poll the leaders will analyze the result and then decide if the applicant can join or not.
Ons and Mirko always have the last word!
Bullying, racial comments, excessive trolling, criticizing/correcting language skills of others in public and further unsocial actions towards every person (in board, on servers, in 3xP' WhatsApp group, ...) will be punished.
The first time you will get warned, after the second time you will get kicked out of the clan with no discussion.
You are allowed to report such behavior to the leaders.
On our TeamSpeak server everyone is now allowed to speak the language he wants to if he is the first one in his channel. As a result there is no need of "German only"/"English only" channels anymore.
It is easier to explain this with an example:
If there are two people in a channel and they are talking German and a third one joins he has to talk German or nicely ask the others if they may talk in another language. If they do not want to he has to accept that.
You can put in the example every other language like English, French, Croat, Spanish, ... - it does not matter. The first two people who are in the channel decide what the spoken language is.
The language in the entire board is English only.
If you want to listen to the audio report of the meeting:
Join TS3 server.
Open the file browser of "Members Lounge I".
Download the file "2014-2-17_discussion.mp3" or click THIS link.
Open and start at 8:00.
Listen and understand.
Do not share this to any external person!
Kind regards,
Borrow, Mikro, ons

Fr33g !t

18.02.2014 08:02