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Introducing the 3xP' Codjumper-Team

Hello and Welcome,

Im happy to introduce the new 3xP Codjumper Team, the CJ-Team will be a group of players
who are very active & interested in Codjumper, also they have to be active on our 3xP' Codjumper Server.
We want to get a group of people who are medium-high skilled in codjumper, to have
fun, enjoy jumping together, and Develop our thoughts about how Codjumper needs to be!

We build this team to have a stronger Codjumper Community in 3xP, and to get new people motivated to
codjump all day. As we already have many active codjumper players & members,
the Cj-Team wont start empty, people will be seperated in 3xP' CJ-Lead and 3xP' CJ-Players.


we are adding custom rank icons and new skins for the admindeagle and the gravity gut with this release,
additionaly Teleport-Script & UFO-Script were added for every 3xP-Codjumper Team member.
And a nice line of fire for 3xP' CJ-Lead (Soviets).

Full Liste here:
New Features in 3xP' Codjumper

The 3xP' CJ-Lead contains the following people

-3xP' Viruz
-3xP' ZeeZ
-3xP' Drizzjeh

The 3xP' Cj-Players contains the following people

-3xP' Reimu
-3xP' Ekijj
-3xP' Sea
-3xP' Trader Joe
-3xP' PIES
-3xP' Tins
-3xP' Pawz

The 3xP' CJ-Lead is the part of the 3xP' Codjumper Team which leads the whole team,
which means that they decide about new features, maps, making youtube videos, and
decide about applications for the 3xP-Codjumper team.
Its not able to apply for the 3xP' CJ-Lead.

They will get Soviet-Rank on our

The 3xP' Cj-Players are the rest of the 3xP' Codjumper team,
they are interested in playing codjumper, able to make suggestions for features, maps, youtube videos,
the 3xP' CJ-Lead will decide about the suggestions.

They will get VIP-Rank on our

Requirements to apply or stay in the codjumper team:

Of course people can apply for the 3xP' Codjumper-Team (U dont need to be in 3xP' Clan to be in the Codjumper
Team), you need the fullfit the following requirements:

-Activity on the 3xP' Codjumper Server
-No need of Ts-Activity, but you are welcome to join 3xP' Teamspeak
-At least 100h playtime on 3xP' Codjumper Server
-mp_to_the_moon inter in under 20 minuten
-Your kind of character have to fit in the team
-Forum activity 1 time per week

Detailed Application Process here:

Benefits of being in the 3xP' Codjumper-Team:

And of course its good for you to be in the Codjumper team, because of some bonuses, which are:

-Teleport-Script acess
-UFO-Script acess
-Gravity Gun acess
-Pickup script acess
-You will be involved in the developing of 3xP' Codjumper Server
-Kick/ban permissions for the 3xP' Codjumper Server


05.10.2014 05:10