3xP'Server and our new Trusted Player Ranks
Let me introduce you our new Trusted Player Ranks for our COD4 servers.
It will be an internal hierarchy system with limitation of their rights.
Responsible overview for each server
1. Server Administrator
2. Server Developer
3. Trusted (3rd Level)
4. Trusted (2nd Level)
5. Trusted (1rd Level)
The future goal is that each server will be managed by one admin, who is responsible for it.
The server admin has to decide, who will be Trusted Player, promote/demote and coordinate them.
We hope, that the new Trusted player ranks will motivate more and new players to spend more force and time into our servers.
Additional the Trusted Players are able to use a special Trusted Player tag: #nickname.
This tag will encourage the togetherness of them and should be compatible for Trusted Players, who are in other clans with other clantags.
Overview of permissions for Trusted Player
Trusted (1st Level)
Trusted (2nd Level)
Can do the same things as Trusted (1st Level)
Trusted (3rd Level)
Can do all things of lv1 & lv2 trusted
Requirements for application/promotion
Trusted (1st Level):
Stay as now
- Have an overall playtime of over 60 hours on our servers.*
- Have a friendly and respectable behavior.
- Know how to handle some power.
- Being able to write an application that is understandable and hasn't got 2 spelling mistakes per word
Trusted (2nd Level):
- Loyalty
- Have an overall playtime of over 100 hours on our server
- Have a friendly and respectable behavior.
- Know how to handle some power.
- Being able to write an application that is understandable and hasn't got 2 spelling mistakes per word
- Forum Activity
- One month time as Trusted 1st Level
Trusted (3rd Level):
- Have an overall playtime of over 150 hours on our server
- Loyalty
- Have a friendly and respectable behavior.
- Know how to handle much power.
- Is skilled in English language
- Is NOT known for provocating or abusing
- High forum activity
- One month time as Trusted 2nd Level